The Human Traffickers of Arkansas
This entire case is Public Domain Knowledge
On June 27, 2019, Cops claiming to work in the Prosecuting Attorney General's office of Arkansas, framed Bonnie Poling with illegal digital content, then changed their minds and decided to pin the frame-up on James Schroer instead. They were framing Bonnie in order to use her as “leverage” against a Devona Flanigan who was married to a son of Bonnie’s, because Devona was an accountant who was auditing the books of Arkansas courthouses and police departments. Devona found something on “their” books, or “they” believed she did,and “they” didn’t want anyone to find out about it. Lesley Rutledge was the head of the Prosecuting Attorney General’s office of Arkansas at the time this event took place. On June 27th of 2019, cops claiming to be from Lesley Rutledge's office, came to Bonnie’s home to frame her, but since she was already gone to work, the cops decided to “Pin” the frame-up on a James Schroer instead, simply because he was there doing a remodeling job on her home. Lesley Rutledge’s office personnel did the entire frame-up, right in front of James Schroer, then framed it all on him and arrested him. James Schroer has been imprisoned without a trial since June 27th of 2019, and has finally successfully pushed the entire case into Federal Court as of July 29th of 2021. This entire case has been Public Domain Knowledge from the very beginning. This kind of behavior on the part of Law Enforcement of Arkansas must be stopped.
. As of 11/27/23, James Schroer has since been transferred to the Federal Medical Center in Butner, NC where the Federal Government has dropped the charges against him, but still do not release him. Why is that?.
Below are James Schroer’s reports, download, read and share them all.
Following is a very condenced account of a man who has been charged with uploading and downloading illegal digital content. Mind, this man is not guilty of this crime. He wrote this account one month after his arrest.
Condenced Account of Actual Events
(Written by: James Schroer, in August of 2019)
Proofread 2/1/22
*Via Sat internet service is purchased.
** Month 1 = internet is not used except perhaps by Bonnie watching a few TV shows.
** Month 2 = hooked-up neighbors with Internet for "Roku" device, and I binge watched "Far Scape."
** Month 3 = a Dell computer is loaned to Bonnie from Danny Czarnetski.
I download "3d" files & software.
***** Note: month one starts about 1/2 way through April of 2019. Months 2 and 3 start on the 1st of May and June.******
* Month 2
A little more that 1/2 way through the month, "Via Sat" calls Bonnie and tells her that her 50 GB data limit has been reached. Via Sat personnel tries to convince Bonnie into giving them permission to view all of her internet activities by giving them the password to her wireless internet access on her modem. The wireless password on the modem was still the factory password, so "Via Sat" should have known it. Bonnie did not give her consent, nor did she give them the password. She could not know that they were actually "Via Sat".
I will continue this on my next blog.
* Month 3= A computer is loaned to Bonnie from Danny Czarnetski, who had acquired it with help from someone named Ken, not very long before. He had created a user account named Bonnie, there was another account named knight already there. I set the computer up in Bonnie's home for her and loaded her family photo files into the Bonnie account from other data storage devices. I found "Shar- Azza" p2p installer in documents and settings folder, possibly in the downloads folder, I do not recall exactly, I was very busy doing work outside. I ran the installer only to find out it was already installed.
<< I ran a search for 3D model files and software and selected a few of them, after I connected the computer to the Via Sat modem about 2 days later. At that time, I did not know there were already files in que for downloading in "Shar-Azza". Nor did I know that "Shar-Azza" was starting every time the operating system was booted. Danny Czarnetski clearly did not have the computer for very long, and he also stated to Bonnie that audio codec for the operating system would have to be downloaded, which would indicate that he had not connected the computer to the internet himself. <<< In my initial evaluation of the operating system I found that it was a "64-bit Windows 7 edition," my familiarity of which is almost non-existent as is my familiarity with "Shar-Azza". There were also a few software packages installed from a variety of cell phones by different manufacturers.>>>
What really caught my attention however, but regrettably I disregarded, was the fact that when I connected to the Cat5 cable from the modem to the computer, I did not need to set up the network connection. The computer was already configured for it.<<< Since I had a lot of work to get done around Bonnie's home, inside and outside, I ignored and left it alone,>>>
For the next 6 to 8 days when I took time to look at the computer, I noticed tht the hard drive space was dwindling at an alarming rate. And yet again, I ignored it. Then one day Bonnie informs me that Via Sat had just contacted her and informed her that her 50 GB data limit had been reached, in just 8 days' time. Neither Bonnie nor I could understand how that could be.
** It did not make sense.
#1- The neighbors watched 1, maybe 2 shows once every 2 days on average.
#2- The same for Bonnie.
#3- The computer was only running "Shar-Azza", and no p2p network program uses very much data bandwidth, they can't and that was while I thought I was the only one starting the program.
#4-I had noticed that the computer was communicating over the network when I booted it. I did not trust the behavior so I would unplug the Cat5 cable often.
<< It was the day after that, that I changed the factory wireless password.>>
Not long after that Bonnie calls Via Sat to find out what was going on and why 50GB was used up already.
Once again, Via Sat personnel tried to coerce Bonnie into giving them permission to invade her privacy, and when they told her they couldn’t even see her account, she then informed them that she had changed the password because someone was stealing her data.
* (Which is their admission that they were looking into her account without her permission already.)
When Bonnie told them that the password had been changed, their reaction was this, "Oh well, we/I cannot help you then!" (I was standing just outside the front door of her house, and I could hear the loud response from her cell phone.)
**note: (During both conversations Bonnie had with Via Sat personnel, their behavior was exactly like that of the cops of Arkansas.) And I told Bonnie this both times.
I am guessing about the next 4 to 6 days, in my free time, I began to look more closely at the computer, and noticed in Shat-Azza download folder, a great many files had been downloaded, but only 4 to 6 of the files looked to be what I was looking for. With the use of another hard drive from another computer I began copying all the files over to it. I noticed a lot of the files appeared to be video files with unusual names which is not uncommon with p2p share networks. I could not open and play the video files, so naturally I guessed that the file extensions had been changed to "Avi, or mpeg" from "zip, or .rar."
I just left them alone until I could have time to sort them out.
Bonnie's family arrives and visits for about 2 to 3 days. On one of those days, they left out to go swimming somewhere, and I was inside Bonnie's house preparing my tools, and doing some minor repairs inside her home.
About an hour after they had left, I hear my furry friend, Guyver barking outside in a such a way that clearly told me that there were undesirables outside, however I was sitting on the toilet at the moment, and it took me a little while to finish my business. I heard knocking on the front door when I got out of the bathroom and I stepped into the guest room which was being used as a tool storage, then I stepped out of the window in the guest room onto the porch. I found two humans there who behaved nervously as though they had just been caught in the act of stealing
I distrusted them immediately. They identified themselves as cops. I believed them immediately, after all the cops of Arkansas are known Nation Wide as the most corrupt and dishonest. It was 1 male and one female.
The male eagerly showed me a picture of a human face on his cell phone and told me a name and that they were looking for this man. That statement felt 100% true. Then he lied to me. He said the man in the picture had violated his parole and his last registered address of residence was "153 Hendricks Ln," I did not tell the cop that he was a liar.
**Bonnie's home and address did not exist until almost a year prior, and she was the only one who ever lived at this address.
I promptly told them that I am not from around here and don't know anyone from around here and that I am just visiting and remodeling her new home.
As they left the porch and were leaving, the male looked disappointed but was hiding it, the female looked uncertain and nervous.
The male then asked if he could have a name, so that he could say that he had spoken to someone at this address. (I immediately detected another deception.) So, I gave him a name, Jasper Noel.
A day or two later Bonnie's family leaves and I looked again at the computer. That is when I learn that not only was Shar-Azza starting up when the computer was, but there was also a long download list in que that I was not aware of. I also noticed that almost all of the hard drive space was used up, and much to my frustration, almost none of it looked like anything I was wanting.
I began copying everything onto micro-SD cards to transfer over to my tablet to see if I could figure out what they were. I also found out that the computer was unable to play video or audio files, and rarely could open an archive file such as "zip, or .rar". About 2 days later I finally figured out how to stop Shar-Azza from starting up when the computer booted up, but I was still busy working on Bonnie's new shed and maintaining her yard and her neighbors' yard, which involved removing a lot of rocks.
A day or two later, in my spare time I began reviewing the files on my tablet. At first, I tried to open the files of which I had already changed the file extension of, from ".avi, or.mpeg" while they were still on the computer before I began to transfer them. After getting no results, I began changing the file extensions back to ".avi, or .mpeg" with my tablet
That is when I discovered what the files really where., and with great disappointment I realized I was going to have to start all over again. I went back to the computer and tried to uninstall Shar-Azza and other programs with no success.
That is when I learned that the Operating System registry was locked down somehow by a security software bundle installed on the computer. Frustrated, I shut down Shar-Azza, and began deleting everything I knew was to be downloaded by Share-Azza.
I then began going to web-sites to download files directly with much greater success, but it also required more of my direct attention. ***Ex.= (I couldn't just walk away during downloading 3D files.)
For the next 4 to 5 days, I deleted all of the junk files downloaded by Shar-Azza that I could find to make room for the 3D models and software I wanted. After I was done getting what I wanted, I then shut down internet activity, and went back to work full time.
About 4 to 6 days, maybe 7 days later, early in the day, the same 2 pedophile cops show-up with 4 maybe 5 others, acting like homicidal maniac gangsters on drugs.
It took about 30 to 45 minutes before they finally made it clear, that they were there to destroy Bonnie Mae Poling's life.
I made my decision immediately. and let them keep their focus on me.
** (It was ridiculously easy to do.)
Report on Police Report #1
//Partially restored report//
(Written by: James Schroer on 8/17/2020)
Proofread on 2/1/2022
After a year of wrongful imprisionment, I finally recieve the police report, about a month later I write this report.
#1 I spent more than 60 days in prison and the public defenders never came to see me. (Federal law allows for up to 35 days)
#2 They did not have a warrent or just cause for the illegal wiretap on Bonnie. ((The computer did not arrive in Bonnie's home until the 28th of May at the earliest.))
**(On May 4 through May 14th, all 4 seasons of "Far Scape" were watched on "Amazon Prime Video.")
#3= They did not read me my rights, nor did they tell me to sign my rights. (Watch Go-Pro Camera recording.)
#4 The cops lied constantly, (1) I did not re-install the operating system. I did not have the install disk, (2) -Sha-1 hash tag is used for all p2p file types, and (3) The courthouse of Mena, Arkansas sent created and sent false documents to the psychologist claiming that I had already had a psych eval in Little Rock, Arkansas.
They effectively contaminated the psych eval in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. ((The only other psych eval I had was done by a female in Fayetteville, Arkansas about 8 years ago.)) The psych evaluator in Ft. Smith, Arkansas showed me a single sheet of paper that claimed that I had already been to a psych eval in Little Rock, Arkansas. He told me that the fraudulent document was sent to him from the courthouse in Mena, Arkansas and he admitted "that he was unable to verify" any of the claims concerning the false document. ((One of the words used in that document was "schizophreinia")) (Why take me to Ft. Smith, Arkansas for a psych eval in Ft. Smith, Arkansas?)
#5. Cops lied about Bonnie Mae Poling had said and claimed that she said thing that she did not say.
(5) For over a year now, law enfocrement of Arkansas has lied constantly, about me, Bonnie, and Devona concerning this case. Enough is enough, this nonsense has gone on and on, far too long already.
The previous was written by this man, one year after he had already been sitting in a county jail without trial. It has now been over two years since his imprisonment.
Condensed account of actual events
(Written by: James Schroer, in August of 2019)
*ViaSat internet service is purchased.
. Month 1 = internet is not used except perhaps by Bonnie watching a few TV shows.
. Month 2 = hooked-up neighbors with internet for “Roko” device, and I binge watched “Far Scape.”
. Month 3 = a “Dell” computer is loaned to Bonnie from Daniel Czarnetski.
I download”3d” files & software.
** (Note: Month 1 starts about halfway through April, months 2 & 3 start on the 1st of May and June.) **
*. Month 2 = A little more than halfway through the month, {Via Sat} calls Bonnie & tells her that the 50GB data limit has been reached. {Via Sat} personnel try to convince Bonnie into giving them permission to view all her internet activities by giving {them} the password to the wireless internet access on the modem. The wireless password was still the factory password was still the factory password.
??? How would they know her 50GB data limit had been reached???
*Answer = It’s a satellite network.
*. Month 3 = A computer is loaned to Bonnie from Danial Czarnetski, who acquired it with help from someone named Ken, not very long before. Danial had created a user account named bonnie. There was another account named knight already there. I set the computer up in Bonnie’s home for her and loaded her family photo files into the bonnie account from other data storage devices. I found “Shar-Azza” p2p installer in documents & settings folder, possibly in the downloads folder, I do not recall exactly. I was very busy doing work outside. I ran the installer only to find out it was already installed.
>> I ran a search for 3D model files & software and selected a few of them, after I connected the computer to the Via Sat modem about 2 days later. At that time, I did not know there was already files in que for downloading in “Shar-Azza.” Nor did I know that Shar-Azza was starting every time the operating system was booted. Danial Czarnetski clearly did not have the computer for very long, and he also stated to Bonnie that the audio codecs for the operating system would have to be downloaded, which would indicate that he had not connected the computer to the internet himself. <<< In my initial evaluation of the operating system I found that it was a “64-bit Windows 7 edition,” my familiarity of which is almost non-existent as is my familiarity with “Shar-Azza” and that there were a few software packages installed for a variety of cell phones by different manufacturers.>>>
What really caught my attention however, but regrettably I disregarded, was the fact that when I connected the cat-5 cable from the modem to the computer, I did not need to set up the network connection. The computer was already configured for it. <<< Since I had a lot of work to get done around Bonnie’s home, inside and outside, I ignored and left it alone.>>> For the next 6 to 8 days when I took the time to look at the computer, I noticed that the hard drive space was dwindling at an alarming rate. And yet again I ignored it. Then one day Bonnie informs me that Via-Sat had just contacted her and informed her that her 50GB data limit had been reached, in just 8 days’ time. Neither Bonnie nor I could understand how that could be.
**It did not make sense.
. #1- The neighbors watched 1, maybe 2 shows once every 2 days on average.
.#2- The same conditions for Bonnie.
.#3- The computer was only running Shar-Azza, and no p2p network program used very much data and bandwidth, they can’t, and that was while I thought I was the only one starting the program.
.#4- I noticed that the computer was communicating over the network when I booted it, I did not trust the behavior so I would unplug the Cat-5 cable often.
<<< It was the day after that, that I changed the factory wireless password.>>>
Not long after that, Bonnie calls Via Sat to find out what was going on and why 50GB was used up already. Once again Via Sat tried to coerce Bonnie into giving them permission to invade her privacy, and when they told her they couldn't see her account, she then informed them that she had changed her password because someone was stealing her data.
*(Which is their admission that they were looking into her account without her permission already.)
When Bonnie told them that the password had been changed, their reaction was this, “Oh well we/I can’t help you then!” (I was standing just outside her front door, and I could hear the loud response from her cell phone.)
**note: (During both conversations Bonnie had with Via Sat personnel, their behavior was exactly like that of the cops of Arkansas.) I told Bonnie this both times.
I am guessing about the next 4 to 6 days, in my free time, I began to look more closely at the computer and noticed in the Shar-Azza download folder, a great many files had been downloaded. Only 4 to 6 of the files looked, by name, to be what I was looking for. With the use of another hard drive from another computer I began copying all the files over to it. I noticed a lot of the files appeared to be video files with unusual names, which is not uncommon with p2p share networks. I could not open and play the video files, so naturally I guessed that the file extensions had been changed to “.avi, or .mpeg” from “.zip, or .rar”. I just left them alone until I could have time to sort them out.
Bonnie’s family arrives and visits for about 2 to 3 days. On one of these days, they left out to go swimming somewhere. I was inside Bonnie’s house preparing my tools and doing some miner repairs inside her home.
About an hour after they had left, I hear my furry friend, Guyver barking outside in such a way that clearly told me that there were undesirables outside, however I was sitting on the toilet at the moment, and it took me a little while to finish my business. I heard knocking on the front door when I got out of the bathroom. I stepped into the guest room, which was being used as tool storage, and then I stepped out through the window onto the front porch. I found two humans there who behaved nervously, as though they had just been caught in the act of stealing. I distrusted them immediately. They identified themselves as cops. I believed it immediately, after all the cops of Arkansas are known nation-wide as the most corrupt and dishonest. It was one male, the one knocking on the door, and one female.
The male eagerly showed me a picture of a human face on his cell phone and told me a name and that they were looking for this man. That statement felt 100% true. Then he lied to me. He said the man in the picture had violated his parole and his last registered address of residence was “153 Hendricks Ln.” (I did not tell the cop to his face that he was a liar.)
**Bonnie’s home and address did not exist until almost a year prior, when she set it up.
I promptly told them that I am not from around here and don’t know anyone from around here, and I am just visiting and remodeling her new home. As they left the porch and were leaving, the male looked disappointed but was hiding it, the female looked uncertain and nervous. The male then asked if he may have a name so that he can say that he spoken to someone at that address. (I immediately detected another deception.) So, I gave him a name, Jasper Noel.
A day or 2 later Bonnie’s family leaves, and I look again at the computer. That is when I learn that not only is Shar-Azza starting up when the computer is, but there is also a long download list in que that I was not aware of. I also noticed that nearly all the hard drive space was used up, and much to my frustration, almost none of it looked like anything I was wanting.
I began copying everything onto micro-SD cards to transfer over to my tablet to see if I could figure out what they were. I also found out that the computer was unable to play video or audio files and rarely could open an archive file such as “.zip, or .rar”. About two days later I finally figure out how to stop Shar-Azza from starting up when the computer did, but I was still busy working on Bonnie’s new shed, maintaining her and her neighbor’s yard, which involved removing a lot of rocks.
A day or two later, in my spare time, I began reviewing the files on my tablet. At first, I tried to open the files of which I had already changed the file extensions of, from “.avi, or mpeg” to “zip, or rar” while they were still on the computer, before I began to transfer them. After getting no results I began changing the file extensions back to .avi, or mpeg with my tablet.
That is when I discovered what the files where, and with great disappointment, I realized that I was going to have to start all over again. I went back to the computer and tried to uninstall Shar-Azza and other programs with no success. That is when I learned that the Operating System was locked down somehow by a security software bundle installed on the computer. Frustrated, I shut down Shar-Azza and began deleting everything I knew to be downloaded by Sha-Azza.
I then began going to web-sites to download files directly with much greater success, but it also required more of my direct attention.
**ex. = (I couldn’t just walk away during downloading 3D files.)
For the next 4 to 5 days, I deleted all the junk files downloaded by Shar-Azza that I could find to make room for the 3D models and software I wanted. After I was done getting what I wanted, I then shut all internet activity down, and went back to work full time.
About 4 to 6 days, maybe 7 days later, early in the day, the same two pedophile cops show-up with others 4 maybe 5 others, acting like homicidal maniac gangsters on drugs. It took about 30 to 45 minutes before they finally made it very clear that they were there to destroy Bonnie Mae Poling’s life. I made my decision immediately and kept their focus on me.
**(It was ridiculously easy to do.)
Danny Czernetski’s Computer
(Condensed report 9/17/2021)
(Proofread on 2/1/2022)
Some of the reasons why I am only just now writing this specific report instead of having already written it, over a year and a half ago, are as follows.
1.) Because I refused to sign anything from the moment Lesley Rutledge’s, so called team. showed up at Bonnie Mae Poling’s home, with the sole intention of destroying Bonnie Mae Poling’s life with lies. I even told them I am not signing anything when they tried to trick me into a false confession against myself, they arrested me without reading me my rights.
2.) Because I refused to provide a signature for a DNA test and a false confession against myself, the chief of police, himself, told me that he didn’t care if I was exonerated in court and he didn’t care if I was pardoned by the president of the United States of America, unless I provided my signature to whatever they wanted me to sign, he was never going to let me out of his jail. At which point I then told him. That’s fine. The Police Chief walked away in a visible display of anger, frustration, and fear.
3.) About a week or a little after a week, after I had been imprisoned in Mena, Arkansas, I watched through the door to the north wing cell block looking down the hall, I watched and listened as four cops including the police chief made a deal with a prisoner that was a trustee which the cops claimed later that they had found a cell phone that he had been using having been flushed into a toilet. The deal was for the prisoner to deliver the cops death threats to murder my friend, Bonnie Mae Poling and her sons. The cops put the prisoner into a cell in that cell block early next morning. The prisoner began his verbal assault, screaming his death treats and waking up all other prisoners. I did not say anything, I simply controlled my anger, standing at the desk in the prison cell. It was clear that the cops were trying to drive me into a suicidal mental state and had failed. The cops then came into the cell block and removed the prisoner and cleaned up the broken cell door window that the prisoner had busted out with his hand.
While the cops and guards were cleaning up their failure, the police chief came walking up to my window with a fake pathetic smile on his face and said to me, and I quote, “Are you alright?” At which point I then said, (and I quote,) “I'm alive”. At that point the police chief’s smile disappeared and he was very angry. He immediately left gritting his teeth.
4.) Events such as the one I just described continued to happen for over a year and a half before cops and guards began to realize that, not only am I not intimidated by guns pointed at me by Jerry Keefer and lying accomplices trying to intimidate me, but that I am also not intimidated by their habitual lying or bribing other prisoners to attack me physically by hitting me repeatedly. I refused to fight back; I didn’t even try to defend myself. Instead, what I did every time that I was hit was that I verbally demanded that the attackers tell me what the cops offered them, in exchange for physically attacking me. That terrified the cops, guards, and Andy Riner, the prosecutor. All these events were happening constantly, which is why I have been so angry and am just now able to write this report. It became very clear that the reason they were trying to frame Bonnie Mae Poling with this child pornography bullshit, was to use Bonnie as leverage against Devona Flanigan, who at that time was Bonnie’s son’s wife, and was an accountant who audited the sheriff’s office along with many other offices in the state of Arkansas. The cops’ judges and lawyers arrogantly and openly admitted to this, easily. Devona Flanigan found something on their books, or they believe she did. It appears that they were scared enough that they were willing to openly commit treason against the "American Peoples" and lied repeatedly. What they did not expect me to do was what I did immediately upon being arrested. I made this case" Public Domain Knowledge". I have had all these reports published on the internet from the beginning. I have sent copies to Washington DC and have succeeded in transferring this case into Federal Court. Now here are the simple and obvious facts concerning Danny Czernetskies’ computer which he loaned to Bonnie as a temporary solution until she could get a new computer. Bonnie planned to use the computer for only a month.
1) The computer could not play audio and video files and could only open a few archive files at best. Its operating system registry was locked by a security software suite installed on the computer.
2) The computer is owned by Danny Czernetski not by Bonnie Mae Poling and I informed by way of a report this fact to prosecutor Andy Riner, who is now a judge in Mena, Arkansas. (Suspicious).
3) After having been imprisoned in Mena, Arkansas for a period of more than two months, I began to learn some disturbing things from some of the other prisoners, and Bonnie was learning some of the same things from people from around Cove and Mena, Arkansas, about Danny Czernetski. According to many individuals and their acquaintances, Danny Czernetski had been caught many times downloading child pornography onto computers and even cell phones. I learned that Bonnie had heard by word of mouth for years that he behaved this way, but because she had known him since he was a little boy, she just didn’t believe it, she just thought that those individuals were being cruel. Because of what had been done to me in Fayetteville, Arkansas, I had thought that Danny was a victim of cruel gossip as well. But the statements that were told to me in the Mena prison and the statements that were told to Bonnie which have no connection to one another had made the situation very clear, in a whole new light. What is interesting about this is the fact that the cops and prosecutor Andy Riner have consistently lied and taken direct actions to deliberately hide and deny these well-known facts. It is as though they believe that by lying over and over again, they will be able to convince people that their lies are true. This is just some of the nonsense that I have been dealing with for the past two years in Mena, Arkansas prison building.
However, this does not change the facts of the events of the three and a half hours on Bonnie Mae Poling’s front yard, when the cops led by Jerry Keefer and his fat accomplice ran onto Bonnie’s property and her neighbor’s property, which shows that they were spying without a warrant on the "American Peoples" by way of satellite or drone. I was in Bonnie’s neighbor’s yard by the fence. I was installing the fence between the two, when Jerry Keefer came running by on Bonnie’s side of the fence. I was standing by the fence in plain sight on Bonnie’s neighbor’s side of the fence. Jerry Keefer already had a handgun in his left hand, his finger on the trigger. His eyes were darting from side to side, and his face and body language communicating clearly and unmistakably that Jerry Keefer was in a terrified and panicked state of mind. Which he demonstrated when he realized that I was standing right there looking at him, like the lunatic he was acting like. Jerry Keefer immediately struck a pose. He turned his body sideways in relation to me. He was facing his body directly to the left in relation to me. I was standing with my body facing directly toward Jerry Keefer. Jerry Keefer had spread his legs, half squatted down, turned his head completely to his left to look at me, raised "It’s" left arm with his elbow bent at about a ninety-degree angle, with his finger still on the trigger of the gun which he was holding sideways like a gangster want-to-be. This psyco idiot, Jerry Keefer, disgusted and pissed me off, all at once. Then this idiot, Jerry Keefer began hollering these words to me, (and I quote), “Get down on the ground!”. At which point I immediately hollered these words right back to the idiot, while pointing my pointer finger on my left hand while extending my entire left arm, straight toward the idiot, (and I quote myself), “What are you doing!”. Jerry screamed at me to get down on the ground four times and each time I hollered back, what are you doing. After the fourth time Jerry Keefer got the dumbest most blank look you will ever see on a monkeys’ face. I then looked to my right and saw the fat cop who had downloaded the child porn in Bonnie’s home was also just standing there pointing a gun which he held up right in both hands, while staring at me with the same blank and clueless expression on "Its" face. At that point, I actually felt sorry for the psyco nut jobs, so I turned to my right, took three steps with my hands hanging at my sides, walking toward the fatso. I got down on my knees and let the pedophiles handcuff me. The cops then held out a clip board with a paper on it and told me that they have a search warrant for Bonnie’s home. At which point I asked them, why show or tell me, I don’t live here? Their brains did not register this simple information.
During the first thirty to forty-five minutes, while they put me in a car with Kisha Slaton who was running "its" mouth and telling me information about their involvement and personal history with that specific computer. Jerry and Fatso were in a complete state of panic over the fact that there was no child porn on the computer, and they couldn’t access the modem.
After Kisha Slaton walked me away from the cop car and informed me that they were going to go back to their original plan of framing Bonnie Mae Poling with child porn, unless I could prove that I had a connection with Bonnie. At this point I told her about the James Schroer identity and the Arkansas driver’s license which was in the guest room in Bonnies’ home, where I was keeping my tools, tablet and phones because I couldn’t keep those items with me at my camp site, where I was living. That really excited Kisha Slaton. What excited Fatso was that when I sat back down in the cop car, I hollered out to him the password to the satellite modem, which I had changed. The idiots acted as though they had just won a religious war. They didn’t even consider the consequences of acting upon that information. They completely exposed themselves as habitual liars, falsifying evidence, planting evidence, and openly committing treason against the "American Peoples".
Those three cops who claimed to work under Lesley Rutledge, clearly showed by their own actions and what they said, admitted to setting up the computer themselves. The woman even showed me the files they expected to find on the computer that Danny Czernetski had loaned to Bonnie, shown to me on the laptop she had in the car. With these facts in mind, this is what I think most likely, or possibly happened.
These cops took this computer from an evidence lock-up from a previous crime and proceeded to load all the child porn onto the computer, then arranged to have it sold to Danny, with the sole purpose of framing Danny with this child porn crap. However, when they were ready to frame Danny and arrest him, they discovered that he had loaned the computer to Bonnie for a period of time. The cops decided that this would be a perfect time to use Bonnie as leverage against Devona Flanigan, because of what she had found on their books while she was auditing their books.
Trying to pin this frame up on me is a very stupid move.
Go-Pro Camera Recording
(This is a condensed account) Written by: James Schroer on 7/16/2020
<<Proof Read on 2/01/2022>>
For the first 30 to 45 minutes, I was using the “Jasper Noel” name and I spelled out all 4 letters of the last name, “N,O,E,L,”, and I stated the date of birth, “7th month, 6th day of 1984” on the recording. I explained that when I figured out that there was child porn on the computer that was loaned to Bonnie, I then deleted everything I could find. While I was telling the female cop this, “It” kept interrupting me, and kept trying to twist everything I said into a lie. I would correct "It" every time, and she didn’t like that one bit.
Finally, “It” walked me out and away from the car and the Go-Pro camera and made it very clear “It” was getting frustrated and desperate. So, I gave “It” the name “James Schroer”. At that point, “It” asked me (and I quote), "What is Bonnie to you?” At that point I answered, (and I quote), “Well according to the birth certificate for James Schroer, Bonnie is the mother.” In that very moment, the female cops’ eyes lit-up like headlights and she became very excited. At which point, “It” then walked me back to the car and I sat down in the car on the passenger side, in front of the Go-Pro camera again.
Once again, the female cop proceeded to lie to my face, repeatedly, twisting everything I said and trying to put words into my mouth that I did not say. “It” tried repeatedly to trick me into making a false confession against myself. “It” was not even trying to listen to what I said, and “It’ did-not like what I said, and so kept trying to twist it into something I did not say at all. “It” was behaving as though “It” was reading a memorized “play script” and I was not playing along with “Its” “play script”. At one point a fat male cop walked up beside the car and made a confession to the fact, that he was downloading child porn inside Bonnie’s home while I was sitting inside the cop car. “It” called it “Onion File” and “he” explained to me on camera, just how bad it was. I made no attempt to stop it from confessing.
After that, another male cop joined the female cop inside the cop car. Now I was sitting in the cop car with the same 2 cops, the male and the female that had arrived 2 weeks before and lied to me on Bonnie’s front porch. At this point the 2 cops are telling me that “They” are now running a lie detector test which works by audio recording only. (I knew they were lying.) At this point the male cop was sitting in the back seat on the drivers’ side of the cop car. He ran a microphone on a long wire cord up to me and connected it to a computer sitting in “Its” lap. The female cop then repeatedly told me, (and I quote), “Now I want you to lie and say this,” then it would tell me word for word what “she” wanted me to say. This happened over and over again.
Finally, the male cop stepped out of the cop car, and another male cop of Parks and Wildlife opened the door where I was sitting and told me that I was under arrest for 30 counts of child pornography. ((The cops were there for about three and a half hours.)
The Go-Pro camera recording will confirm everything I have stated in writing in this report, including even more.
They were running an illegal wiretap on “Bonnie Mae Poling,” for the sole purpose of framing “Bonnie” with false evidence they planted. They turned on me because they believed that I am her son.
Report on police report #1
(Written by: James Schroer on 8/17/2020)
Partially Restored Report
<<Proof Read on 2/01/2022>>
After a year of wrongful imprisonment, I finally receive the police report. About a month later I write this report.
#1. I spent more than 60 days in prison and the public defenders never came to see me. ((Federal law allows up to 35 days.))
#2. They did not have a warrant or just cause for the illegal wiretap on Bonnie. ((The computer did not arrive in Bonnie’s home until the first of June, at the earliest.)) **(On May 4th through May 14th, all 4 seasons of “Far Scape” were watched on “Amazon Prime Video.”)
#3. They did not read me my rights, nor did they tell me to sign my rights. (Watch Go-Pro Camera recording.)
#4. The cops lied consistently.
(1) I did not reinstall the operating system, I did not have the install disc.
(2) Sha-1 hash tag is used for all p2p file types.
(3) The courthouse of Mena, Arkansas created and sent false documents to the psychologist claiming that I had already had the psych evaluation in Little Rock, Arkansas. (Then why take me to Fort Smith, Arkansas for a psych evaluation?) In
They effectively contaminated the psych eval in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. ((The only other psych eval that I have had was done by a female in Fayetteville, Arkansas while I was imprisoned in Fayetteville, Arkansas about 8 years ago. )) The psych evaluator in Ft. Smith, Arkansas showed me a single sheet of paper that claimed that I had already been to a psych eval in Little Rock, Arkansas. He told me that the fraudulent document was sent to him from the courthouse in Mena, Arkansas and he "admitted" that he was "unable to verify" any of the claims concerning the false document. (( One of the words used in that document was "schizophrenia".))
#4. Cops lied about what Bonnie Mae Poling had said and claimed that she said things that she did not say.
#5. For over a year now, law enforcement of Arkansas has lied constantly about me, Bonnie, and Devona concerning this case. Enough is enough, this nonsense has gone on and on, far to long already.
Obvious Questions #1
(Report compile began on 11/29/2020 finished 12/07/2020)
(Proofread on 2/1/2022)
· Why was an illegal wiretap run on Bonnie Mae Poling, just to frame her with child porn, in order to use her as leverage against Devona Flanigan?
· What did Devona Flanigan find while auditing the books of the cops of Arkansas?
· Why did the pedophile cops spend three and a half hours inside Bonnie Mae Poling’s first home of her own, just to download child porn to frame her with, ((Which they admitted to watch Go-Pro Camera Recording)) instead of spending only 20 minutes just to take all suspected computer hard-ware from her house and delivering it all to a lab for examination?
· Why did the pedophile/cops remove the two hard drives from the computer, instead of taking the entire computer?
· Did they use that same computer to frame someone else, before this frame-up against Bonnie? Fact: The cops didn’t ask for the password to the modem, (I gave it to them as bait.)
· Why were the cops so desperate to have me give them a signature for a “DNA” test on me? Were they so desperate, that they threatened to murder Bonnie and her whole family, because I said no.
· What does a “DNA” test have to do with a computer crime, that the pedophile cops themselves committed?
· Why did the cops fabricate a lie in the form of a report claiming that they had already sent me to a psychological evaluation in Little Rock, Arkansas, only to take me to Fort Smith, Arkansas for a psychological evaluation? The Psyco Babbler showed me the single sheet of paper (false report), and I held it in my hands myself and read it in part, it mentioned the word schizophrenia ((It pissed me off.))
· Why are the cops so desperate to obtain incriminating info of any kind possible from me against Devona Flanigan when neither of us know each other? (I only met Devona, a couple of times.)
· Did Danny know that there was child porn on the computer that he loaned to Bonnie, and did he put it there originally, instead of the pedophile cops to begin with?
· Why did the cops lie and claim that I signed my rights, when they didn’t even read me my rights in the first place, when they arrested me, in a report to the psyco-babbler?
· Why did the cops lie in their “Cop Report”, when they said that I said that I reinstalled the operating system, when I said no such thing? ((I didn’t even have an install disc for Windows 7)) ((Watch Go-Pro Camera recording))
· << Why is it that I and countless others who have never had problems with police in any other state, but are wrongfully accused, victimized, and imprisoned by the pedophile cops of Arkansas, consistently? Why do these cops keep getting away with this?>>
· Why is it that before my friend Bonnie and her family and friends hired me a lawyer, the public defender never once came to see me in over 62 days? ((When federal statutes allow for only up to 35 days.))
· Why is it that I am still in this prison building in Mena, Arkansas for almost a year and a half, when this bull-shit case should have been thrown out the very first time I walked into court?
· What is Lesley Rutledge and Jerry Keefer’s connection with Via Sat internet company? Ex: (What is their ownership/payout status with Via Sat, how are they running it?)
· <<After about 3 months the cops finally realize that I have no connection or relationship with Devona Flanigan.>>
· Why then, did the cops start directly victimizing, harassing, and slandering Devona Flanigan, resulting in her losing her job with the accounting firm, from which she was commissioned to audit the cops’ books in Arkansas?
· What is it that the cops are so afraid of that Devona Flanigan may have found on their books? Why are they so afraid that they would risk going to prison for life, just to keep the "American Peoples" from finding out, by committing numerous acts of felonies repeatedly?
· << The police officers of Missouri, Kansas, and Texas do not trust the cops of Arkansas.>> ((I wonder why?)) It does not take a genius to answer that.
· Why did the cops go uninvited into Bonnie’s home while she was not there for more than an hour and a half, before they could present her with a search warrant?
· When the cops came to frame Bonnie, she was not at home, she was going to work, and prior to two weeks before they never knew I existed.
· Why is it that after more than 30 minutes of the cops trying to trick me into a false confession, by twisting everything I said, they then committed treason, at which point I then gave them the James Schroer name? The female cop then asked me, “What is Bonnie Mae Poling to you?”, I then answered, “Well according to the birth certificate for James Edward Schroer, Bonnie is the mother.” The females’ eyes lit up like head lights, and "It" proceeded to try and pin the frame-up on me completely. Why? ((Devona)).
· While the cops were inside Bonnie’s home downloading child porn, why did they download 30 counts of that shit? ((That’s excessive))—They created an orgey of evidence, that's ridiculous.
· Why did the cops think that they could get away with an illegal wiretap with Via Sat more than a month before the computer even came into Bonnie’s home? Bonnie is not a terrorist or any other form of enemy to the "American Peoples". ((May 4th through May 14th, all four seasons of “Far Scape were being watched.))
· Why did the psyco-babbler lie consistently in its report. The report claims that the Psyco-babbler, “Informed me that the evaluation was “Not” confidential and would be used in the court room.” ((that is a lie.)) *At the beginning of the eval, the psyco handed me a blue tooth microphone and said, “I’m not recording this, and this is completely confidential.” At which point I then said, “I don’t care if you’re recording this or not, I have made this whole case Public Domain Knowledge,” and every phone conversation I have with Bonnie is recorded and posted on the internet.” I then told the psyco, “I will give you the phone number for you to call my friend Bonnie now, she will give you the web address where all of the phone conversations I have with her are posted.” *The psyco-babbler looked nervously at his phone laying on his desk, face down, and did not pick it up. The psyco-babbler disobeyed me just like that. Three to four times throughout the psychological evaluation, looking at its’ cell phone more and more nervously each time. **((The psyco- babbler lied, “It” was recording.)) ((The blue tooth mic.))
· <<I have never had a relationship or a girlfriend, and I had sex only one time in my life, and that is when I surrendered my virginity 7 years ago by placing an add in “Craig’s List” on the internet. She was in her early 50’s, had 2 or 3 sons fully grown and living on their own, and she was “fixed” and living in Houston, Texas.>>
· So why did the psyco-babbler lie about that?
· What is the connection between the psyco and the pedophile cops trying to frame Bonnie?
· Why is it that for the past year and 5 months, the cops and psyco-babbler have consistently lied about me and what I have said, in an attempt to frame me with anything that they can think of, when none of it could possibly apply to me in any way? (I called them out on their lies, every time.)
· Why is it that the cops think they can get away with forging my signature, when the cops of Mena, Arkansas don’t even know what a signature from me looks like? **example: ((Candice and Underwood at the dentist office. Nobody fills out paperwork to have a tooth pulled, and it only costs ten dollars.)) **Another fact: I have never used doctors and I have never given permission to anyone to create a medical record on me or a credit score record on me, I don’t use credit cards or banks. **Another fact: The cops are not allowed to read legal mail, and they have done exactly that. ***No pictures of my face, x-rays of my teeth, (religious preference, I am not your piece of shit god.)
Peer 2 Peer File Names Explanation #1
(Written on the eighth month of 2019)
(Proofread on 2/1/2022)
One of the biggest hassles of peer 2 peer share networks is names of files being shared. A file name can have over a hundred alfa-numeric characters, and what you search for may have included in the name any number of names of topics of subject matter that has nothing to do with the contents. For example, you type in, “Bruce Springstein,” and the search result can be “(Porn), mountain lions, -killer clowns-bruce-orchestra…ect.ect.
But you won’t know what it is until you download and open the archive file and view it. At that point you will know what you have downloaded, it could be, “Bruce Springstein’s greatest hits,” and you win, or you may find that it is just garbage that you don’t want on your computer, and at that point you simply give it a bad “rating” and delete it. The great thing about p2p is that you share only what you want to share. If you share junk, your going to get junk back, So don’t share junk.
State of Arkansas; Unsuitable for trial
(Report number one, written 1/1/2022)
The trial cannot be conducted in the states of Arkansas or Oklahoma. The trial must be done in an entirely different location other than in the states of Arkansas and Oklahoma. There are two candidate states which border Arkansas and would be suitable, they are Texas and Missouri. The two main obvious reasons are.
1) The law enforcement agencies loyally serve the will of the "American Peoples" living there.
2) They all hate child molesters.
The following explanations are also obvious, and completely justifiable. Read all my reports.
· Lesley Rutledge is head of the prosecuting attorney general's office in the state of Arkansas and is over those who work in that office. The personnell who claim to work in that office are the very same individuals whom, of which tried to frame my friend with child pornography, then changed their minds and decided to pin the frame up on me instead. They did the entire frame up, right in front of me and then pinned the frame up on me, simply because I was the only one there and I am from Texas. I was there remodeling my friends first home in her life that she can call her own. ((Read my reports)).
· Over the past two and a half years that I have remained imprisoned over this insanity, the prosecuting attorney general’s office of Arkansas has repeatedly changed their stories over and over again. They have repeatedly confessed to their own crimes by trying to make their very "sloppy" "frame up" match with the facts and it's working for them. "Read my reports".
· On the day before I was transported to the Fort Smith, Arkansas prison, an unmarked and sealed envelope was found in my properties by a prison guard and opened in front of me. Inside the envelope were documents claiming to be a search warrant for all my internet accounts. The search warrant claimed to have been issued about a week after I was arrested, in the year of 2019. This is two years before I ever saw the documents with my own eyes. I was never served that warrant. They were trying to be sneaky and get away with it.
· When I was taken to the federal building in Fort Smith, Arkansas to be booked by the US Marshals of Arkansas, I provided the only actual signature in over twelve years, to a document that is only one side of only one sheet of paper. I provided that signature to that document only, because it clearly states that "I am not suicidal". I have not provided another signature since.
· When I was later taken to the same Federal Building, this time to a court room, the Federal Judge told lies about me. They claimed that I was aggressive to the cops of Arkansas. The facts are, that I have never been aggressive to law enforcement personnel, anywhere in this country. The prosecution lied, by claiming that I was a "flight risk". When I looked at my lawyer, all he said to me was that "its confirmed". The lawyer said nothing else about it. The facts are, if I was such a flight risk, then why did I not escape from the Mena, Arkansas county prison? The Mena, Arkansas prison was very easy to escape from. On two separate occasions, two different prisoners, that I know about directly, had escaped from that prison. If I am such a flight risk, then why did I choose to keep myself there as a prisoner, for two years straight? I was allowed to see my lawyer outside of the court room, face to face, only once. That was in the Mena, Arkansas prison building, and there was electronic surveillance in the room.
· I later receive a plea bargain from the Federal Prosecutor, claiming that the crime that "they" actually committed was committed on May fourth through May fourteenth. That is impossible considering the fact that the computer wasn’t even in my friends’ home until the beginning of June of 2019. However, what was inside of Bonnie Mae Poling’s home, was her DVD players which were connected to the internet. On May fourth through the fourteenth, all four seasons of the TV show, Far Scape”, were binge watched on Bonnie’s DVD player, streamed from Amazon Prime Video, over the internet. Once again, this proves that Lesley Rutledge’s office deliberately tried to "frame" Bonnie Mae Poling, by running an illegal and treasonous wiretap. Bonnie Mae Poling is not a terrorist or any other form of enemy to the "American Peoples". Any kind of "wiretap" against Bonnie Mae Poling is unjustified. Also in the Federal Prosecutions plea bargain, was mentioned to some detail, that they would like for me to sign away my ownership of two cell phones and a tablet which are mine, and the computer that they took the two hard drives out of, but left in Bonnie’s house, which does not belong to me or Bonnie. What is not mentioned in the plea bargain, is the fact that it is not just two cell phones that they stole from me, but three. The third cell phone was still brand new, unused and not yet activated. They left the box that the phone came in. They also stole about ten micro-SD cards from me, including one that was a 32 GB SD card that was brand new, unused, and still in its unopened packaging. They also stole about thirteen USB thumb drives from Bonnie, that only had digital copies of "Hollywood" and "Walt Disney" movies on them. What happened to our property?
· While I was imprisoned in Fort Smith, Arkansas for five months, the prison guards consistently lied to me and threatened me with physical bodily harm, because I refused to sign anything, and I will not allow medical procedures of any kind to be done upon my body. They still tried to force medical procedures to be done to me by lying and claiming that they had a court order for it to be done. There was never such a court order, nor can there ever be.
· I was transported to Okmulgee, Oklahoma by a U.S. Marshal of Arkansas, who on the way there behaved the same way as the pedophile cops of Lesley Rutledge’s office did, when they came to "frame" my friend Bonnie with this garbage and decided to "pin" it on me instead. What he did, was lie to me, tried to twist what I said into lies of his own creation and tried to put words into my mouth which I did not say. He did this with a camera running in the vehicle, recording the event. At one point he even stated, very clearly, that I don't have the right to legal documentation concerning my case. (Which is a clear violation to my rights to legal counsel). He also admitted that he was deliberately taking me out of the Fort Smith prison at least a week ahead of when I was scheduled to be transported, and that he was delivering me to a prison that I was not scheduled to be at. He would not honestly tell me why he was doing it. He then demonstrated repeatedly that he was intimidated by me. Why? There was also a male human riding up front in the passenger seat, that the U.S. marshal of Arkansas said was an investigator. When the U.S. Marshal of Arkansas picked me up from the Fort Smith prison, a female prison guard declared that she was going to have all my property stolen from me while I am gone to do my phych evaluation, because I refused to provide a signature. The female guard and the U.S. marshal worked together in that situation to try to provoke me into killing them both. When I told them both that, "that was quite enough of that,"the U.S. Marshal of Arkansas froze, and his eyes became wild and panicked. Why? They stole over three hundred dollars in property from me. When he delivered me to the Okmulgee, Oklahoma prison he was unfamiliar with the prison buildings. He tried to drop me off at the county prison building first and was told to deliver me to the Federal annex building instead, which he did promptly.
· Once the Okmulgee, Oklahoma prison guards booked me in at the Federal prison building, they then transported me back over to the county prison building. Where they then put me inside their "drunk tank" for the night, because they had no place to put me, because they did not know about me being transported to their prison. They had no paperwork concerning me and they did not have a USMS number for me. They had to create their own prisoner number for me. I was kept prisoner in the Okmulgee, Oklahoma prison from December first to December sixth or seventh. On December fourth the prison guards and prison doctors threatened me with physical harm, if I did not allow them to inject by needle, poisonous substances into my body. I still refused, and under duress of threat of possible murder, and with a fraudulent document claiming that it was a court order for it to be done, five x-rays of my chess were stollen. The false court order did not have a signature on it, but claimed that it was issued by a Federal judge, that does not exist, from Fort Smith, Arkansas. On the seventh day, while I was being prepared for transport to Cushing, Oklahoma, a female guard there, threatened to have my properties stollen from me because I refused to sign anything. I then told her that the same threat was made against me in Fort Smith, Arkansas. She then panicked, and in a load, voice said, (and I quote), “Get back, get back!”. Two days later, in Cushing, Oklahoma, I found out that they carried out their threat to steal from me. They stole over 73 dollars in electronic store goods. The chief prison guard, or warden, the prison guards, and the prison medical personnel in Okmulgee, Oklahoma prison, are guilty of the following: theft, fraud, terroristic threatening, medical malpractice, attempted murder and they have violated my freedom of religion
· While I was in Cushing, Oklahoma prison, from December seventh through December thirteenth, I had no problems, and the prison was expecting me, and had my USMS number ready for me. While I was there, the other prisoners that were there were unaware of anyone else in that prison who is innocent. According to all the prisoners I talked to, I was the only one there who had not signed a plea bargain and had not been convicted of a crime. Why is that? When I was transported to the Cushing, Oklahoma Prison from the Okmulgee, Oklahoma Prison, I was transported with one female prisoner and four male prisoners. It was two cops from Arkansas, driving a Washington county of Arkansas prisoner transport van, not U.S. Marshals. Why is that? On December thirteenth I was transported by bus to an airport where I was searched and the two-sided sheet of paper, which was the fraudulent court order document from Okmulgee, Oklahoma prison, which is evidence, was taken from me. I have not seen it since. That is obstruction of justice and possibly destruction of evidence. I was then flown to Atlanta, Georgia, where they stole my cloths from me, my pants, long sleeve button up shirt, underwear and two sets of thermals, that totals to about one hundred and fifty dollars. On December 21st, I was transported by bus to Butner, North Carolina, where they stole my bought in prison, shoes and socks. I paid about twenty-four dollars for those.
· Everything that has been done to me in the past two and a half years by law inforcement and medical personnel in the state of Arkansas, and now Okmulgee, Oklahoma as well, has been outright criminal and unconstitutional. What they have done to me is as criminal as raping, stealing, and murdering. Cops of Arkansas have consistently lied about me. Why? Everything that I have observed firsthand, concerning the individuals who run the, so called, "legal system" in Arkansas, clearly demonstrates and proves that they only care about the money they gain, by the misery of others. The law enforcement of Arkansas, clearly and openly acts and presents themselves as enemies of the "American Peoples". How is it that they are getting away with that kind of behavior and why?
· Ever since the conclusion of the Civil War, the Federal Government had placed all the Confederate States under "martial law", and conveniently forgot to take it back off the books. It is long past time for the martial law status to be removed from those states, because Arkansas has been outright abusing the "martial law" status against the "American Peoples". It is time for these "evil" activities to stop and be done away with permanently. This is mainly how the law enforcement in Arkansas has been able to get away with what they have done to me for the past two and a half years, this proves it. This is what they were going to do to my friend, Bonnie. We are both innocent here, and the fact that I am the one who has been imprisoned for the past two and a half years.
No means No!
Who else have they been doing this to? ""Read my reports."" Everything about this is wrong.
Reasons for Dismissal of Psych Evaluator Ms. Sandors
(Written by: James Schroer on 2/05/2022)
(Report written while imprisoned in Butner, North Carolina, USA)
· Ms. Sandors does not follow instructions.
· Ms. Sandors does not except “no” for an answer and demonstrates narcissism.
· Ms. Sandors does not recognize the difference between “right and wrong” and does not care.
I told Ms. Sandors to read my reports in order to be fully competent with this case. I told her not to discuss certain maters which have no relevants to this case, which is who my mother and father were. I told Ms. Sandors not to lie to me, and she told me that she doesn’t lie. I then told her that I don’t lie either but that I have lied before.
On a later day, Ms. Sanders came and told me that she had read my reports and she’s ready to talk to me. I then asked her a simple question to which the answer is easily found in my reports. The question was this; “In my reports, what did I call the three pedophile cops that did this to me?” She could not answer that simple question. She then waisted over 30 minutes of my time by asking questions to which the answers had already been provided for in my reports. When I pointed out the fact that she had lied to me about reading my reports, she then lied again by telling me that she likes to hear me talk.
Sandors also had some sort of an obsession with an imaginary, fantasy hospital of hers she tried to convince me to be a part of. I pointed out that she was lying again, she then lied some more by changing her story of a hospital to a nut house. Then changed her story back to a hospital again and gave it a pet name of “her child”, or something along those lines. She also decided that it was going to be located in Little Rock, Arkansas. At this point I had already begun tuning her out and I was telling her my own lies to questions which I had already told Sandors not to discuss.
Ms. Sandors also made it clear that she does not care about the difference between “right and wrong” by the fact that she cannot recognize the concept of correction and is unwilling to do the right thing. The whole point of the psych eval is to verify that I have been “honest” about everything that I have reported concerning this case. If the psych evaluator isn’t going to be honest, then he or she is unfit for doing the psych eval. The moment I started telling her lies right back, is the moment in which I had already dismissed her.
The same thing happened with the phyco-babbler in Ft. Smith, Arkansas, while I was imprisoned in Mena, Arkansas. However, the psych evaluator in Ft. Smith had fraudulent documents that he showed to me which were fabricated and sent to him by the courthouse of Mena, Arkansas, then lied by claiming that they had already sent me to my psych eval in Little Rock, Arkansas. The psych evaluator in Ft. Smith, Arkansas finally admitted to the fact that the false claims were indeed lies, and that he could not prove otherwise.
Sandors however, did not show me any documents, that would explain her bazar hospital fantasy. ((Sandors is unfit to do a psych eval with me and is dismissed.)) She has waisted over 45 days of my time since I have been her in Butner, North Carolina since the 12th month 21st day of 2021. Send me an honest and competent psych evaluator and don’t waste any more of my time!
This Case is Unconstitutional
Version #2
(Written by: James Schroer on 2/19/22)
This entire case is “Public Domain Knowledge”, it has been since I was arrested on June 27th of 2019. Now that I have successfully pushed this case into federal court on June 27th of 2021. On the day before I was transported to Ft. Smith, Arkansas prison a “search warrant” for all of my internet accounts was found in an unmarked and sealed envelope in my properties, inside the Mena, Arkansas prison building. I was never served that “search warrant”. It was issued about a week after I was arrested (2) years prior.
When I was taken to the federal court room in Ft. Smith, Arkansas, the federal judge told lies to me, about me, concerning the (4) arrests in Fayetteville, Arkansas. That is why I have made all Arkansas police records for James Schroer “Public Domain Knowledge”. No pictures of my face. (Religious Preference)
· Read my report- (Wrongful Arrest in Arkansas of James Schroer). While I was imprisoned in Mena, Arkansas county prison building for (2) years, the cops would make deals with some of the prisoners there, to physically attack and assault me, in attempts to intimidate me into a false confession against myself, they failed. Every time I was attacked, I controlled myself and did not fight back, because I am representing the original intended target victims in this case, which are Bonnie Mae Poling and her spawn pool, (in other words, “family”) which also included, at that time, a Devona Flanigan. I gave each of the prisoners that attacked me and opportunity to redeem themselves, by inviting them to testify in court at my trial. The prisoners refused fearfully, due to the fact that they and the cops are all “related to one another by blood or marriage.”
· Read my report- (Danny Czernetski’s Computer)
Within less than a year of me being imprisoned in the Mena, Arkansas county prison building, the cops, prison guards, and the prisoners developed a hatred of me because I do not like the female humans of Arkansas, and I refused to let them get into my pants. They started telling even more lies about me because I refused to have anything to do with the female monkeys of Arkansas. This was happening before I had the 2nd psych eval in my life done, which took place in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. During that time period I witnessed the results of the cops physically abusing prisoners of both the female race and the male race, in order to force them into making false confessions against themselves. On (1) such event, the head jailer himself made an apology to (1) particular prisoner and arranged to have him released with his charges dropped, because a prison guard named Underwood, who was on patrol with the cops that arrested the prisoner, had physically hit the prisoner in the face with his fist, while they had the prisoner in the booking area of the prison building. The entire event was caught on camera.
From the very beginning, this non-sense of a case, has been in part, an outright act of “religious prosecution” against me, because I refused to be a Christian/sateen. I have been violated concerning my religious preferences in Fayetteville, Arkansas years before, and now in Mena, Arkansas, Ft. Smith, Arkansas, and Okmulgee, Oklahoma prisons as well. The cops and prison guards in Mena, Arkansas tried to forge what they thought my signature looked like. For example, Candice and Underwood at the dentist office. It costs only $10 to pull a tooth.
· Read my report- (Obvious Questions #1)
I witnessed the cops, judges, and lawyers of Mena, Arkansas wrongfully arrest, imprison, and convict by way of false confessions, individuals who were innocent of what they were accused of. (1) man had finally, after (2) years, gone to trial and won his case, but the prosecuting attorney named Andy Riner pressed the same kind of charges against the man again. That is called, “Double Jeopardy,” and it’s a severe violation of the man’s “Constitutional Rights”. The prosecutor, Andy Riner is now a judge in Mena, Arkansas. When Andy Riner became judge, he was still trying to prosecute me and tried to act as judge over my case. ((There is nothing right about any of this.)) Throughout this case, every time I pointed out the fact that no laws here in America, can supersede or over-rule, “The Constitutional Bill of Rights”, the cops and lawyers in Mena, Arkansas would boldly declare verbally that, “they do not care about” the “Constitutional Bill of Rights, and they will force their laws upon whoever they choose, and they will get away with it, because it’s Arkansas.” I was told the same thing by some of the cops in Fayetteville, Arkansas, (10) years ago. However, there was one prison guard in Mena, Arkansas, while I was imprisoned there, who did his job with integrity, and did not show me any favoritism over that of the other prisoners, or vise-a-versa. For the sake of this report, I will call him Chris. After more than a year of my being imprisoned in Mena, Arkansas county prison, Chris lost his job as prison guard because he stood against the criminal actions that the cops were committing against prisoners inside the prison building. There was also another prison guard in Mena, Arkansas, who also did not cause me any problems and did not threaten to murder my friend Bonnie Mae Poling and her family. For the sake of this report, I will call him John. Chris and John never tried to trick me into providing a signature or threaten me in any way. I have no charges to bring against these (2) men. The other cops and prison guards tried repeatedly to trick and intimidate me into providing them with a signature for many different documents, and they all failed. It was only after I was transported to the Ft. Smith, Arkansas prison, and then “booked in” by the U.S. Marshals of Arkansas, that I then provided an actual signature to the U.S. Marshals of Arkansas, on a document that is only (1) side of (1) sheet of paper, that clearly states that “I am not suicidal”. That is the first signature that I have provided in over (12) years, and I have not provided another signature since.
· Read my report- (Obvious Questions #1)
· Read my report- (Wrongful Arrest in Arkansas of James Schroer)
· Read my report- (State of Arkansas; Unsuitable for Trial)
From the very beginning of this “frame-up”, there has been evidence that Lesley Rutledge, who was head of the Prosecuting Attorney General’s office of Arkansas, is unaware of much of what is going on, and being done by those who work in her office.
Since I am now imprisoned in the Maryland Annex building at the prison complex of Butner, North Carolina, since December 21st of 2021, I have finally been able to “proofread” my own reports after more than 2 and a half years. I have also finally been able to receive legal documents that I have never seen before concerning this case. For example, in the documents of a “search and seizure warrant,” the Prosecuting Attorney General’s office of Arkansas demonstrates, having direct knowledge of Danny Czernetski in possession of the computer which he then loaned to Bonnie Mae Poling, with this opening statement; “An affidavit having been made before me by Special Agent Kisha Slaton of the Arkansas Attorney General’s Office, that there is now concealed evidence, to-wit…” In a document called “Property Report”, there is mentioned and item “E-22”, which is listed as “misc. paperwork from bedroom floor.” However, the pedophile cops did not even bother to take Bonnie’s electronic tablet, which was in plain sight in Bonnie’s bedroom. After the pedophile Parks and Wildlife cop who told me that I was under arrest for (30) counts of illegal internet activities and drove off of Bonnie’s property with me hand cuffed in the back of his vehicle, Bonnie showed the other pedophile cops her electronic tablet from her bedroom. The pedophile cops told Bonnie that they were not interested in her tablet and that they did not need it. (That is a direct contradiction to everything that the pedophile cops were doing and saying during this “frame-up”.) In Kisha Slaton’s police report, she lied about what I said, and what Bonnie said. Kisha Slaton made-up the entire report with lies. For example: (1)- I did not say I was downloading child pornography. ((I told her I did not know anything about it.))
(2)- I did not tell the pedophile cops that Bonnie got the computer about two months before. ((The computer was loaned to Bonnie at the beginning of the month of June of 2019.))
(3)- Bonnie Mae Poling did not tell the pedophile cops that I was homeless. ((I own my own home, which is a sailboat.))
(4)- Bonnie did not tell the pedophile cops that I was mentally ill, or any other nonsense. In fact, everything that I and Bonnie Mae Poling had said, was twisted into lies by Kisha Slaton. ((Watch the Go-Pro camera recording.))
· Read my report- (Condensed Account of Actual Events).
· Read my report- (Go-Pro Camera Recording).
· Read my report- (Report on Police Report #1).
· Read my report- (Obvious Questions #1).
Something else of interest that is also obvious, is the lack of a warrant for the illegal and unconstitutional “wire-tap” on Bonnie Mae Poling, and the admission of guilt by Kisha Slaton when she lied by claiming that I had said that the computer was in Bonnie’s house (2) months before. ((That is a lie, I said not such thing.)) In fact, from the very beginning of this case, lies have been told about me. The situation has gone to the point to where the truth has been buried with lies, layered upon by more lies. I was never read my “Maranda Rights”, during or after my arrest. The cops of Arkansas were constantly trying to get information from me that they could use against Devona Flanigan, due to the fact that Devona was auditing their books at that time, in the Mena, Arkansas courthouse. A very probable reason for the treasonous “wire-tap” that was run on Bonnie Mae Poling in order to “frame” her, was so that the cops involved in this, could use Bonnie as leverage against Devona Flanigan, because of what Devona found on the cops’ financial books while she was auditing them for the state of Arkansas. The “search and seizure warrant” fully supports this theory.
· Read my report- (Obvious Questions #1).
· Read my report- (Go-Pro Camera Recording).
Another theory which is also highly probable, is that the cops involved in the “frame-up” were originally “framing” Danny Czernetski with the computer, but when they found out that he had loaned it to Bonnie Mae Poling at the beginning of June of 2019, the cops involved then decided to use the situation as an opportunity to destroy Bonnie’s life, in order to use her as leverage against Devona Flanigan. Again, the “search and seizure warrant” fully supports this theory as well.
· Read my report- (Condensed Account of Actual Events).
· Read my report- (Go-Pro Camera Recording).
· Read my report- (Report on Police Report #1).
· Read my report- (Obvious Questions #1).
· Read my report- (Danny Czernetski’s Computer).
· Read my report- (State of Arkansas; Unsuitable for Trial).
Throughout my life, I have always done the right thing. I do not steal, I do not sell, or use drugs, and I do not contribute to the problems of this world. If I do something wrong, then I always “own up to it”. I had over $500,000 in tools and equipment stolen from me years ago in Ft. Smith, Arkansas and then in Fayetteville, Arkansas, I became completely disgusted with the state of Arkansas and I moved back to Texas.
· Read my report- (Wrongful Arrest in Arkansas of James Schroer).
For a year before I was arrested concerning this case, I was frequently travelling back and forth between Texas and Arkansas to help my friend Bonnie with her 1st home in her life, that she can actually call her own. I was doing all the remodeling work on her trailer home, whenever she was able to buy building materials. I do not and did not live in Bonnie’s home at 153 Hendricks Ln. of Cove, Arkansas. Whenever I was in Arkansas working on Bonnie’s home, I was living at my camp site, and only on rare occasions would I sleep at Bonnie’s home. Bonnie’s guest room was being used as a tool storage room while I was remodeling her home, it was not ready to be used as a guest room, and it was not finished when I was arrested. The cops involved in this case, admitted to doing this “frame-up” when they lied in their police report, by claiming that the computer was in Bonnie Mae Poling’s home on May 4th through May 14th of 2019. ((The computer was loaned to Bonnie at the beginning of June of 2019.))
This case should have been dismissed the very 1st time I walked into the court room in Mena, Arkansas. However, I have had to fight to get this case moved into Federal Court, just to be able to start getting something done. While I was imprisoned in Mena, Arkansas, I watched as the public defenders literally prosecuted their own clients, instead of defending them as they are supposed to. They literally worked with prosecutor Andy Riner, in order to do it, and they were doing it right in the court room. The public defenders were literally bullying their own client’s into accepting “unreasonable” and “unjust” plea bargains. They were trying to do the same thing to me, by trying to add another 15 counts to my charges.
· Read all my reports
This whole case is “unlawful” and “unconstitutional”. This case is proof of some of the treasonous actions committed by the cops against the “American Peoples” in the state of Arkansas. This case is an insult against the “American Peoples”.
This Case is Unconstitutional Version (3)
(Written by: James Schroer)
(Written on: 3/11/22 through 3/13/22)
I do not use doctors, I do not allow blood, teeth, or DNA samples to be stolen from my body. To commit such an eval act is to claim that I am your god/devil/demon. If you claim that I am your god, I will not lift one finger to save your life. All the individual humans whose lives I have saved in the past, all know that pictures of my face and x-rays of my body are not allowed. To declare me as your god/devil/demon is to forfeit your own life, I will not even try to save your life. Those whose lives I have already saved also know not to openly discuss how I saved their lives. Bonnie Mae Poling is the latest human whose very livelihood I have saved from corrupt law enforcement personnel of Arkansas, and because of the nature of this situation, it must be openly and publicly discussed.
During the first month of my imprisonment in Mena Arkansas, a sausage patty was delivered as part of my breakfast meal. Inside the sausage patty was a sliver of metal. When I bit down on the sausage patty, the sliver of metal hidden inside the sausage patty was then wedged between two of my teeth, on the right upper side of my mouth, and instantly cracked both teeth. When I told the prison guard about this and that I required on both teeth, there so-called doctor said, (and I quote), “We don’t do caps here”. My teeth were in perfectly good health when I was arrested, and within (6) months, all my teeth were damaged, with the enamel corroded away by the non-alcohol mouthwash, of the brand name “Fresh Scent” on its’ label, sold on the electronic store inside the Mena Arkansas prison. When I understood how my teeth were being destroyed, I immediately began buying packaged pickles so that I can use the vinegar with salt as my mouthwash. That is how I have protected my teeth ever since. The prison guards of Mena Arkansas prison told me several times, that if I would just sign a false confession against myself, then I could get the dental care that I need. Since I have been imprisoned in Butner North Carolina prison complex, the prison guards refuse to bring me salt and vinegar, and they refuse to sell me the salt and the pickles that I can get the vinegar from, in order to sterilize, clean and protect my teeth. What the prison personnel have tried to do instead, is try to force doctors on me, instead of providing me with simple ingredients for my own medicine. The same thing was being done to me in an extremely exceeding and violently aggressive way, in Mena and Ft. Smith Arkansas, and now Okmulgee Oklahoma. Since I have been imprisoned here in Butner, North Carolina, the guard here have not been aggressive towards me yet, but the health of my teeth has declined again, and I have struggled with infections in my gums at (4) separate times so far. ((I had expected better behavior from Federal Agency personnel.))
The law enforcement personnel of Arkansas are habitual liars, the following examples are proof of this fact.
(1) The pedophile cops of Arkansas lied by claiming that I’m homeless simply because I don’t have a mailbox nailed to the side of my home, which I own, which is a “1976 Lancer 30 Fin Keel Sailboat”. I had left my home to be watched over by reliable individuals in Texas, every time I went into Arkansas to do remodel work on Bonnie Mae Poling’s home. Since I have not been able to contact them since I was arrested almost (3) years ago, I don’t know if I still have my home. The cops of Arkansas lied claiming that I was homeless to my face, and made it clear to me that they can get away with anything that they want to. They did this in Mena, and Ft. Smith Arkansas, and they did this in 2011 to 2013 in Fayetteville Arkansas.
· Read my report (Wrongful Arrest in Arkansas of James Schroer).
(2) The pedophile cops lied when they said that I reinstalled the operating system on the computer. I have never owned a copy of the install disk for “Windows 7”. Since the operating system was reinstalled, then it’s because the pedophile cops themselves did it, but that would not explain why the cops spent (3 and a half) hours inside Bonnie’s home, only to open up the computer and “remove” the hard drives.
· Read my report (Condensed Account of Actual Events).
· Read my report (Go-Pro Cameral Recording).
· Read my report (Report on Police Report #1).
· Read my report (Obvious Questions #1).
· Read my report (Danny Czarnetski’s Computer).
(3) The cops of Arkansas lied when they claimed that I was aggressive to law enforcement of Arkansas. I have never been aggressive in any way to law enforcement personnel in this country.
· Read my report (Obvious Questions#1).
· Read my report (Danny Czarnetski’s Computer).
· Read my report (Wrongful Arrest in Arkansas of James Schroer).
(4) The cops of Mena Arkansas lied by claiming that they had already sent me to a psych eval in Little Rock Arkansas, when they transported me to Ft. Smith Arkansas for my psych eval. The law enforcement personnel of Mena Arkansas contaminated the psych eval in Ft. Smith Arkansas with those lies.
· Read my report (Report on Police Report #1).
· Read my report (Obvious Questions #1).
(5) The Arkansas cops framed Bonnie Mae Poling, then changed their minds and decided to pin their “frame-up” on me instead. They also “framed” many others in much the same way, individuals who are innocent beyond any doubt. All the cops, judges and lawyers in Mena, Arkansas know for a fact that I am “completely innocent” of all these “charges” and did admit to that fact on several occasions during the (2) years that I was imprisoned in Mena Arkansas, before I finally got this case put into the Federal Courts. The cops, judges, and lawyers of Mena Arkansas made sure that I understood that they were never going to let me take this to court to have it “thrown out”, and they were going to keep me imprisoned in Mena Arkansas until I agreed to sign a “false confession” against myself. One of the other individuals that was “framed” by the Mena Arkansas cops, is a pasty skinned (white) human male, that for the sake of this report, I will call him “Travis”. “Travis” was contacted through “Facebook” by the cops of Mena Arkansas, pretending to be a female human, under (18) years of age. “Travis” had agreed to “meet” with her just to talk, and when he had driven his vehicle past the location for the “meeting”, the cops arrested him. Since “Travis” had not committed any crime, the Mena Arkansas cops kept him imprisoned until they, Andy Riner, and “Travis’s” public defender had all worked together to intimidate “Travis” into signing a plea bargain, right there in the courtroom in Mena Arkansas. Another victim of the Mena Arkansas law enforcement personnel, is a young black man about (20) years old, that I called “Brownie Mix”. ((I think his name was Caleb)). The cops of Mena Arkansas arrested “Brownie Mix” about (4) different times for “failure to appear in court”, and each time he was not yet due in court for about a couple of hours, to an entire day. “Brownie Mix’s” family had the papers to prove that he had been wrongfully arrested and imprisoned, but were unable to bring those documents to the Mena Arkansas courthouse, which is the same courthouse that gave “Brownie Mix” those very same documents in the first place. “Brownie Mix’s” public defender and Andy Riner intimidated and conned him into signing a plea bargain. Both “Travis” and “Brownie Mix” were sent to Arkansas state penitentiary prisons. The law enforcement personnel of Mena Arkansas are nothing but criminals, and in accordance with their own religion as well, they are corrupt.
· Read my report (Go-Pro Camera Recording).
· Read my report (Report on Police Report #1).
· Read my report (Obvious Questions #1).
· Read my report (Danny Czarnetski’s Computer).
· Read my report (State of Arkansas Unsuitable for Trial}.
I have never had any problems with law enforcement personnel in any other state in America,
until Arkansas. This nonsense needs to be stopped, and done away with. There is also another matter which I have yet to discover the answer to. Who owns the red and white painted airplane that was constantly flying slow and low over Bonnie Mae Poling’s home, every time I was working on her home, and Bonnie was somewhere else working her own jobs? Bonnie neighbors were unable to explain the airplane, it was a new event for them as well. Somehow, it seems as though it may very well be connected to this case, but I do not know how. In fact, a great deal of interest in Bonnie Mae Poling has been demonstrated by law enforcement personnel in Mena Arkansas, from the moment she purchased her land and home. Why? While I was imprisoned in Mena Arkansas, a few prisoners had been arrested and charged with crimes that they claim that they did not commit, and the Mena Arkansas law enforcement offered to drop all charges against them, in exchange for the prisoners signing over the “deeds” and “titles” to their lands and homes. Why? What could Devona Flanigan have found while auditing the books of Arkansas law enforcement agencies, and why are they so desperate to cover it up? Why did Arkansas law enforcement deliberately “frame” Bonnie Mae Poling with this nonsense, in order to justify destroying her life, just so they could use her as leverage against Devona Flanigan? When Arkansas law enforcement changed their minds at the last moment and decided to “pin” their “frame-up” on me instead, they unwittingly exposed themselves. I have only recently learned that Mena Arkansas has a long history of law enforcement corruption. Any sane individual would consider this whole case outlandish and bazar, but it is considered a commonly occurring practice done by law enforcement in Mena Arkansas. ((I find that fact very disturbing)). Is it possible that Lesley Rutledge may have actually been “caught” into unknowingly becoming a part of this “frame-up”? Over (2 and a half) years of me being imprisoned over this nonsense case, strongly suggest that this is a possibility.